NIKE主催NTC TOUR TOKYO 2016に参加!健康的でフィットな体を手に入れるためのワークアウトタイム。#nike #ntctourtokyo
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Hey babes!
先日、NIKEが主催したワークアウトイベント「NTC TOUR TOKYO」へ潜入してきたよ。
前にいったntc studioでのワークアウトイベントでも次の日かなり激しい筋肉痛になったからどうなるかと思ったけど・・・・・・想像通り、ものすごい筋肉痛に襲われ、ああもっと日頃から運動せねばと危機感を持つ結果に。(笑)
そもそもNTC TOUR TOKYOは、NIKEのキャッチコピーである「Just Do It」の精神に基づいて、女性に限界突破をするくらいの運動をして最終的には「運動してよかった!」って思ってもらえるようなイベントを開催するという意義があるみたいで。
Last week, I was invited to participate in a event held by NIKE called the “NTC TOUR TOKYO” so here is my report blog on it!
Usually my workout routine is very subtle and simple; I would do squats for my hips, sit-ups for my stomach and ride on a aerobike to strengthen my legs but that’s basically all I do…. and the last time I went to visit the ntc studio in Shibuya and participated in a short exercise session I suffered from a seriously bad muscle ache for the next 3 or 4 days… so I was actually really worried about this whole 3 hours workout program to be honest lol
This whole ntc tout tokyo event was held to tell women that workout is good for both your body health and mental health, and that workout is not necessarily a tough and unwilling thing to do.
最新のシューズ、レギンス、ブラトップとNTC TOUR TOKYOのイベント限定タンクトップに着替えて!
We got to wear these new shoes, leggings and NTC TOUR TOKYO limited tank top for the whole event. They’re super cute and motivated me to do my best. I guess wearing cute workout clothes is really important for girls to motivate themselves;)
This is how the workout session looked like… I could actually hear girls around me screaming like “NONONO I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE IT’S KILLING ME AHHHHHHH”…. yes it was a very hard core exercise that we were doing for sure.
There were also booths of the new NIKE shoes and clothes to look at outside the event hall.
Plus we got to drink this cute smoothie as well!
Some girls do workouts in order to loose weight, but I think workouts’ motivation don’t always have to be driven by diet, but instead by wanting to live healthy and look beautiful in a fit way. If you stop thinking about losing weight when you’re working out, you’ll definitely feel better about exercising and you can realize the excitingness of workout itself. All the NIKE instructors weren’t skinny at all, but they looked so fit and healthy, energetic and strong…… and being strong is sometimes the best quality in women. I’ve decided to put running and muscle training routines into my usual workout routine so I’ll share that with you when I get that into my system. That’s all for today!
Thanks for reading!
ファッション関連のツイート、 主にしてます!