NYはもう終わり?これからは「ヘルシー&セクシー」なLAスタイル! #LA #style

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スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 21.25.28


Hey babes!







ずっと長い間、ファッションといえばニューヨーク。カルチャーも、食べ物も、ニューヨーク発のものが最先端でオシャレで、ニューヨークコレクションには世界中から一流ファッショニスタが集まり、全てのトレンドは ニューヨーク から発信されてきた。






I’ve noticed something while i was surfing on tumblr/pinterest/instagram/weheartit/all the other fashion media and magazines…….. don’t you think the previous “New Yorker” trend has gradually faded away and the LA relax&street style has growing popularity in the fashion industry? For a long time, New York has been the center of fashion, culture and even food. During Fashion Week, fashionistas from all over the world would gather to New York and all the fashion trends has been transmitted and sent from NYC (well that is still true). NYC, Paris, Milan- the three biggest fashion cities in the world. Even in Japan, NY style was always popular on Japanese magazines too. But I have the feeling it is gradually losing its power… or is it just me who think so?





例えば、Kendall JennerやGigi Hadidが流行らせたジョガーパンツなんかも、リラックスウェアといえばそうでもあるし、ストリートアイテムと言われればそうでもある。


I’ve seen a lot of pickup articles on these girls lately- Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner. Their styles are very unique, it’s like mixing street fashion with LA casual. Sexy, yet relaxed and fashionable. Take the Jogger pants for example, it’s a really casual item but they wear it like it’s the coolest uniform you can get in Cali.

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今まで夏になると流行っていたBOHO CHICとも今はやっているのは少し違う気がする。




But what’s the difference between NY style and LA style? In my opinion, New York is such a big and busy city, just like Tokyo. People are dressed up even to work because it is and forever has been the center of fashion- people just can’t throw on random clothes on to be “fashionable” in NY. They try SUPER HARD to be fashionable. Edgy and sharp and stylish, that’s their keywords.

That said, LA style is more like… “chill”. LA is a big city as well but their lifestyle there is completely different from that in NY. They aren’t tied up, and that lifestyle seems to be affecting their fashion style as well. They don’t try too hard to be fashionable, they just like to dress in a comfy but sexy and healthy outfit, a bit of street style on top and voila.

I like both fashion styles, very mode, edgy and chic style as well as casual, relaxed, street style. But I feel like the LA style is what many people are looking for at the moment.






I always love to look and get inspirations from the hashtag #revolveme so I got some pics from there today.

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Which style do you feel like you fit the best? Hope you got the idea of LA style after reading my blog…. That’s all for today, see you later alligator! x



Thanks for reading!









Instagram: @lizzy718


 スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 21.57.57 スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 21.58.15スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 21.57.49

ファッション関連のツイート、 主にしてます!


Twitter: @lishy_eng

スクリーンショット 2016-06-07 22.00.16


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