You are what you listen to! 聴いててオシャレな洋楽紹介。#music #chillax

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Hey babes!


“YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT”(あなたが食べたものが、あなた自身になる)っていうフレーズはよく聞く。






I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase “You are what you eat” before, but what about “You are what you listen”? I mean, this is very much true as well. What you listen to can give you different inspirations that could possibly change the way you think, feel, dress and might also affect your personality. By the way, I am into 90s R&B and Hip Hop and the reason why I love that genre the most is because it’s “fashionable”. I love how the beat sounds and the groove that comes along with it, and also the 90s R&B/Hip Hop fashion is one of my favorite styles as well. Taste in music is different for each and one of us but today I want to share some of my favorite go-to-songs that I strongly recommend you give it a hear. 😉



⚫︎Joyce Wrice


<I want you>




I found her while I was watching a video from my favorite Youtuber “ToThe9s” the other day and immediately fell in love with this song. She has soundcloud playlist so go check her out these as well! All her other songs and covers are amazing too.





<Dandelion feat.Milan>




Nehzuil is a DJ from Australia. I actually had a conversation with him the other day via Instagram which is pretty amazing and I still can’t believe that happened because I’m his #1 fan from Tokyo for sure!! Anyways, all of his music is so cool and his taste in music is just…. it completely overlaps mine!!!!! The songs he choose to edit are all my favorite songs and I just……. I can’t even explain it in words. I just love his music. Go onto Soundcloud and search for Nehzuil – he has more than 42K followers there!




<Down for you>

Kehlaniは、上の二人とは違って随分とメインストリーム寄り。Chris Brownとのコラボソングをリリースしたり、弱冠20歳(は?)だけど着実にスターダムへ一歩一歩近づいております。このDown for youっていう曲は、Kehlaniの曲の中で一番のお気に入り。何回聴いても飽きないし、こういう曲ばっかりかかってるクラブに行きたい・・・どこかにないのか?!って聴きながら考えてしまうくらい好き。

あ、KehlaniとCharlie PuthがコラボしてカバーしたDrakeのHotline Blingがめちゃくちゃよかったのでそれも聴いてみて!


Out of the three artists, Kehlani is the most mainstream artist for sure. She released a collab song with Chris Brown before and she got the fame already though she’s only 20 years old (WHHHAAAAT…..). I love this song-Down for you the best. I just wish there was a club that only plays songs like this… it just doesn’t exist in Tokyo. Weird. I also liked the cover of Hotline Bling by Kehlani and Charlie Puth so there you go.


⚫︎The Internet



新星現るって感じのアーティスト。LAベースで、グループ自体は2011年に結成されてるけど、今までそんなにドカンとHITはしてなかったのかな〜?最近Youtubeサーフィンしてたら巡り会えて、このGIRLって曲がものすっごく良くて他の曲も聴いてみたらどれもいい。すごいBGMに向いてる!最近EGO DEATHっていうアルバムを出して、それがまた素晴らしくかっこいい。どうやらグラミーにノミネートされてるらしい!すごいオリジナリティーがスタイルにも音にもあって、魅了された。



I bumped into this song while I was Youtube surfing the other day and I was surprised to myself that I didn’t know them. Like… they’re so cool, how could I have not known about them?! The group started in 2011 so they’re comparatively new. Their songs are good for BGM in my opinion. Not too loud, but not too quiet and soothing, if you know what I mean. Soothing music can make you sleepy but loud music distracts you, so go for The Internet!! They recently released a new album called “Ego Death” so check that out as well.


⚫︎Cashmere Cat


<Adore/Ariana Grande, Cashmere Cat edit>


みんな大好きAriana GrandeのAdoreという曲をりさの大好きなDJ、Cashmere Catがエディットしたもの。Cashmere Catは、もう数年前からずっと聴いていて本当に本当にすべての曲が大好きでオシャレでかっこよくてひたすら愛してやまないDJ。2年前だったかな、東コレに行ったときにKBFのファッションショーで、Cashmere Catの曲がショーでかかって、もうハンパじゃなく一人で抑えきれないほどテンション上がってしまった。もうメインストリームといってもおかしくないくらい大人気DJだけどね!



I’ve been listening to Cashmere Cat’s music for several years now, but this new one is my favorite now! It’s Ariana Grande’s Adore edited by Cashmere Cat and I actually like the Cashmere Cat version better than the original song to be honest.


⚫︎Lianne La Havas






Lianne La Havas is an artist/song writer from England. I found this music ages ago on Youtube and it has been my all-time favorite ever since then. Actually, FKJ (famous french DJ) was here in Tokyo couple of days ago to do a gig, and I found out FKJ made a remix version of Lianne’s Unstoppable. I like the original song better… what do you think?






I can keep on going but it’ll be too much for one blog so time to say bye. Hope you found your favorite song!



Thanks for LISTENING! 😉







Instagram: @lizzy718


スクリーンショット 2015-07-24 12.54.14

ファッション関連のツイート、 主にしてます!


Twitter: @lishy_eng



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