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Hey babes!
Since I lived abroad for a long time, I myself don’t have any prejudicial opinion or fixed (wrong) idea towards tattoos. I know that some people have tattoos for fashion, for religious reasons, and some just don’t have to have any deep reason to get inked. Just because you have tattoos, that doesn’t make your life harder. You won’t be stared at even if you show your tattoo in the city. You won’t get rejected at a job interview because you have a tattoo. I mean, if you have like a really interesting tattoo all over your body and face, may be……. but you know what extent of tattoos I’m referring to.
But in Japan, it’s different. If you have a tattoo and you’re showing it while walking down the street, you will be looked at. You will be seen as a “scary” “aggressive” “vulgar” or may be “juvenile delinquent” or something. The negative image towards tattoo in Japan is serious. It didn’t come from nowhere; Japan has its own traditional and historical experience that many of the people who belong to Yakuza and gangster organization have tattoos and therefore people have this bad image towards inked people. But hello? IT’S 2016!!!!! In this globalized world, yet Japanese people talk all this crap about tattoos. It’s one of the most strong and serious stereotypes existing in Japan. Why can’t people with tattoo go into hot springs and public bath? How is that different from racism? Every time I visit hot springs in japan and read this sign saying “people with tattoos are not allowed; we do not condone gangster organization”, I say to myself “How is this different from making Black people go to a bathroom for colored people just because people think White are better than Black?”.
So I ran into this amazing video on Youtube….
The video is about breast cancer patients who overcame it using tattoo as a cover up for lost nipples and scars.
Many breast cancer patients lose their nipples and will have to live with a big scar that will never go away. It must be very hard to deal with; especially because breasts are symbols of femininity and losing that feels like it degrades you as a woman. May be some people will feel insecure about their body because of the scar. I kind of know how it feels like to have to live with a scar, since I have some as well after going through an operation (quite a while ago) and every time I see my scar, I do feel a bit insecure about it. But this, tattoo covering scars is an artistic plus practical solution for those women who are struggling to overcome their insecurities.
Then I looked up online and found out that there are many people who covers up their scars and bruises and all of that by getting tattoos.
Scars are, in a way, proof that you’ve overcome your illness. But then, that proof can be tough to deal with on the mental side. But this way, it can cure you from the inside as well. The problem is, in Japan, people with this “tattoo covering scars” will be rejected to come into hot springs. They might not be able to land on a job here in Japan because they’re inked.
I know it’s a huge thing to overturn this traditional idea and stereotype that Japan has long lived with. I know. Even if the government suddenly pronounces out loud “From now on, tattooed people will be allowed to go into hot springs! It’s not a bad thing to get tattoos! We will meet the world standard!!!!”, that doesn’t mean that Japanese citizens will forget about all the negative images towards tattoos. We are all educated to believe that tattoos are what bad people have, not directly taught at schools but taught through living in this society. But I think it’s time for Japan to change baby steps. If you read this blog, I ask you to please just keep this in your mind that there are positive ways in which tattoos can help people as well. Tattooed people aren’t automatically gangsters. As long as us, the young generation who live in this modern society have a fixed, wrong idea towards things, the negativity WILL BE passed onto the next generation, our kids and grandkids. Let’s all make little effort to accept different kinds of art and originality.
Sorry this blog came out a little too long, anyways, let me hear your opinions and what you thought about ” tattoo covering scars” on my blog comment or instagram!
Thanks for reading!
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