Posted onHey babes.
France banned the use of models whose BMI is under 18 from magazines in the beginning of this month, which was a very interesting news for me so I thought I’d give my opinion about it on my blog. I think most of you guys know what the news is about so I won’t bother writing it here again, but I think this action taken by France has set a new world standard. Just in case you were wondering what your BMI is, do the math! WEIGHT divided by HEIGHT divided by HEIGHT and voila. That is your BMI.
A few years ago, models who were too skinny were banned from MFW collection and PFW… but this, the legislation of this law is a totally different thing. People can be put into jail for this!! Anyways, it’s not like we never got this lectured. I learned a lot about how unhealthy being skinny is in class, and learned about anorexia and bulimia. There is a commercial I watched when I was a freshman in high school.
I think it was really shocking to me when I saw this commercial. Especially because it’s not their fault for being anorexic. They compared themselves with others, or may be threw all the fault to their weight because they got dumped. Whatever the reasons are, they just wanted to gain self confidence and feel better about themselves by losing some weight… and they start to see delusions that they are fat, when they are actually bone and skin. I thought anorexia is a very lonely, painful illness when I learned about it.
The thing is, media like televisions and fashion magazine create “what beauty is” and because media have HUGE impact on the mass, what they show and depict can give great influence but also bad, very bad influence at the same time.
But when I started thinking about this topic, I was like… WAIT A MINUTE…… I have the feeling that people are dissing skinny people now, and embracing being NOT skinny instead too much. It’s too much of that now already. Watch this video.
このLane Bryantっていうプラスサイズブランドが作った動画。プラスサイズの女性を「I’m No Angel」(Victoria’s Secretのモデルがエンジェルっていうから、それをもじってNo Angelらしい)って言って、彼女達の体型の素晴らしさをプロモーションしてるんだよね。
Plus-size fashion brand called Lane Bryant made this video with plus-size models, saying that they are “No angels” (they call themselves no angels because VS angels are angels but they aren’t as skinny as them so they are no angels…..yeah). It’s supposed to promote how being curvy and chubby is also pretty and sexy and stuff. Yeah I’ve heard lots about that from Meghan Trainor. As you can feel from my tone of speech, no I don’t really support this movement. I know people might hate me for saying this, but I think this is just really shallow. It doesn’t make sense to me because when they are trying to say “women’s body figures should be more diverse!” and “let’s break the media’s beauty definition!” and stuff, they are now leaning towards “anti-skinny” and “yay to chubby”. There is no diversity in that statement, it’s just swopping places between skinny people and chubby people.
I have always been the skinniest girl of the school. I eat a lot every meal, I eat chips and I love meat and carbs, but I don’t gain any weight because of what I eat. I’m 5,6ft tall(173cm) but I only weigh 46kg, so that means that my BMI is 15.4- way under 18. So I can’t work as a model in France. Once, when I was in middle school, school nurse told me to come to her office and she started asking me all these weird questions about what I ate last night and for breakfast this morning. I answered to her weird questions and she let me go. When I saw my mom after school, she told me that the school nurse called my house and asked my mom the same question that I answered to, and she also said that she thinks I’m anorexic. Of course I was never anorexic, I had a completely healthy diet. Why is it not ok to tell fat people that they are fat, but it’s ok to tell thin people thin? Why can people say stuff about skinny people’s body figure, like “DO YOU EAT ANYTHING?!” “I bet you don’t eat carbs, do you?” blah blah blah! I hate it when people do that. I take it very rude and offensive to even mention about someone’s body figure like that in a public conversation.
What I’m trying to say here is that skinny people have their skinny issues. So now that Meghan Trainor says “It’s all about the bass”, thin girls with less curves will now be downgraded, don’t you think?! Well that’s what I think, especially because I’m skinny. If people keep doing this “chubbiness rocks” movement, skinny girls will start to lose their confidence in their body figures. Some girls just can’t put on weight you know.
What I support 100% is a “HEALTHY BODY FIGURE”. Not fat, not skinny, just… healthy. For example, I think Jennifer Hudson looked amazing when she was in Dream Girls. She was a little obese, but she did still look good. But it wasn’t exactly healthy, was it? I think her losing some weight was good not because I think skinny girls look better but because now that she lost weight, she looks more healthy. People focus on unhealthy skinny people especially in fashion industry but do know that obesity is very unhealthy as well. Obese people can have high blood pressure, cause a lot of serious sickness. On the other hand, being too skinny can cause ow immunity and can be very vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Plus they both don’t LOOK healthy. I think the balance between muscle and fat is important in order to get a healthy body figure, and if you feel good about your body, it’s perfect. I think people should stop arguing whether SKINNY people is better or PLUS-SIZE people is better because I think the problem is not that. Stop pushing people to one side. I do agree that models whose BMI is under 18 are banned in the fashion industry, because this influences people is a negative way. But that doesn’t mean that at this moment skinny have to look like Meghan Trainor or “no angels”. Having healthy body figure, that makes you mentally positive about yourself should be the body you aim for. Well, it’s just my opinion anyways.
Thanks for reading!
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