#DESIGUALのsemi-naked partyに潜入!ブロガーまさかの水着でショッピング?! Short MOVIE(byりさ)も♡
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先日、なんともユニークで楽しいPARTYにNYLON BLOGGERが潜入してまいりました。
そんなDESIGUALが、去年同様、今年も Seminaked Partyを、原宿店で開催!!
このブランド、すごく自由で愛にあふれてて・・・ 「違う」ことを尊重するのが理念なんだって。 It’s not the same. ほかのブランドとも違う個性的な存在で、その服を着た人の個性を引き立てるようなそんなお洋服!
今回はそんなSeminaked Partyの模様をレポートしまーす♡
We, Nylon Bloggers attended to an AWESOME and SUPER EXCITING party recently. The party was held by a Spanish brand, DESIGUAL in Harajuku. They have been promoting the brand in Japan for the past few years, so I think you all have heard of its name. So they decided to do the “semi-naked party” this year again, which is the second time that this party is held in Japan, which is awesome. But the awesomeness is not only that. They give away 2 items, anything from the Harajuku store to the first 100 people who come! God how much we RAN. You wouldn’t even want to imagine. lol Today I’m going to take you to the DESIGUAL Semi-naked party tour so let’s get started!
▼12時開始だというのに、早い人は前日9時から並んでいたみたいで、長蛇の列。 去年に引き続き、人が押し寄せて来てた〜!! 警備員いたり、結構すごい人だかりになってたよ。みんな、洋服勝ちにきてる。(笑)
It was starting at 12pm and we arrived at the shop. That is NOT late. But seeing this much people already lining up to win the 2 pieces of clothes from DESIGUAL, things were much more serious than we expected……
▼記念撮影パチ!メンバーは、左から、Moe ・Lisa・Aimee・Mizuki・Miho♡ この時点ではまだ服着てるけど〜・・・
But first, let us take a photo(I mean, we’re bloggers that’s what we’re supposed to do right?) We were wearing our clothes until the event.
▼開始前にみんなで水着になって、店内でカウントダウンして スタート!こんな感じになりました♡
We all took off our clothes and went into the shop….or, RAN into the store:P After the countdown, the event starts! This is how all of us looked like after becoming semi-naked!
▼りさは、ビキニかと思いきや、オシャレスク水で勝負。 Lacosteのものだよ♡ピンクと白のストライプが可愛くて大好き! 今年は90sきてるからまたワンピースハイレグ水着はやるかな〜?
I wore a one-piece swimsuit from Lacoste which I’ve been in love with for a long time. Look at the pink and white striped designs it’s just too cute. Since the 90s are back this year I hope I don’t look like a kid wearing this lol
▼すごい奇抜な格好で挑んで来たお兄さん!ブロガー爆笑!(笑) こんなはじけてても、Desigualはお構いなしです。
Look who came to say hi to us…. Desigual is open to any kind. Don’t you be worried.
▼そして肝心のお洋服ちゃんたち。 やっぱり、スペインブランドなだけあって色も柄も本当に「エキゾチック」の一言!! 他のブランドには見られないよね、こんな鮮やかな色彩とプリント。 独特のセンスを貫いてて好き! 着るだけで顔も明るく魅せてくれるし、まずこんなカラフルな服きてたら勝手に表情も明るくなりそう♡
And the most important part!! Their clothes. Everything in their store is so exotic and colorful and pop and just awesome. I love their color combinations and the details in prints. Not only is it going to make your face look brighter, but it’s definitely going to make you smile, right?
▼個人的には、3Fにあるキッズラインが超可愛い♡ 子供がこんなポップでオシャレな洋服着てたらハイセンスだな〜
I also loved the kids line on the 3rd floor. I’d love to make my children wear these.
You should also go look at the Mens line on the 2nd floor because they have abundant lines of Tshirts, bottoms, shirts, and everything! I loved the prints.
▼こんな感じで色々試着したり合わせてみたりで好きな2着を決めたよ。 りさはこのシックなグラフィックワンピが気に入ったから1つはこれに決定! 一目惚れしちゃったの♡
So everyone was going around the store up and down to find the 2 pieces they want for free, and I fell in love at the first sight with this beautiful chic dress.
▼そしてお着替えタイム終了。みんなDESIGUALで大変身!♡ りさはたまたまみずきと色違いになった。笑 Aimeeはメンズの大きいボタニカルプリントシャツをワンピ風に! Mihoは首回りが広めのペイズリー柄Tを肩出してワンピ風にON! Moeもメンズシャツをワンピ風にオシャレに! みんなそれぞれのDESIGUALコーデが出来て大満足〜でした♡
Time to change! We all dressed up in Desigual’s piece. How does it look on us?;) Aimee wore a big botanical printed shirt as a dress, Miho wore a Paisley printed loose tshirt showing off her tanned shoulders, Moe wore a big men’s shirt as a dress and Mizuki got the dress I chose but it blue! What a coincidence.
I also made a video to show you what it was like at the party! Hope you enjoy it and feel the atmosphere of the party. It’s only 1min 44 sec so watch it NOW!!!;))
こういう体験型、参加型のEXCITING!!なブランドイベントが日本でも開催されて本当に嬉しい限り。 日本では肌を出すのに抵抗があったりして、「水着」にしてるけど、海外の店舗では全裸の開催もあったとか!(ヨーロッパに住んでたりさはあんまりびっくりしなかったけど笑、日本では絶対ありえないことよね・・・)
自分をさらけ出してファッションを楽しむっていう点において、こういうイベントが一番効果的なのかなーって! もっと日本でもたくさん楽しいイベントが開催されてファッション業界がさらに盛り上がって行くといいな〜♡
I loved this event because we can participate and experience the brand’s fashion. Also, I was happy to know that these kind of “daring attempt” was made in Japan because we, culturally, don’t really like to show our skin in front of people (We are SHY lol). I heard that in the same event held abroad, people get FULL-NAKED!(Although I wasn’t too surprised hearing that since I lived in Germany for years, I know IT WON’T HAPPEN IN JAPAN FOR SURE) Semi-naked, full-naked, whatever-naked, it doesn’t matter. The point is to get your individuality (♪let it go~ let it go~) OUT and enjoy fashion. These events are very effective to do so. Hopefully these kind of exciting and outside of the box events will be held more in Japan.
今後に期待! それでは!
Thanks for reading!
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