ファッションニュースで学ぶ、人種差別の今。 #fashion #racism

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スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 21.11.29

(from Instagram: @maccosmetics)



Hey babes!






I wonder how many of you have read this news. This photo on the top is a photo that was posted on M.A.C Cosmetics’ official Instagram. It’s a photo taken during the New York Fashion Week, just an ordinary backstage snap of a model with this beautiful shade of purple. Now the problem is ( which I really don’t see any problem here……) that people started posting racial discrimination comments on this photo using inappropriate words and phrases.



When I first read this news online, I couldn’t believe the fact that there are still people who discriminates people by their race and the appearance that comes along with it. I mean it’s 2016! People with different race, background, skin color are all living in many different parts of this world and we live in it TOGETHER. The younger generation (like myself) should be knowing that we live in a globalized unified society by now.

I love watching TV series and movies but I realize there are still casting racism. For example, people who steal cars or rob a house are more likely to be Black people. On the other hand, cops and protagonist heroes are most likely to be White. Sometimes even watching Full House, a heart warming comedy drama, it sometimes gets to me that there are almost NO other race than White people that has an important role. However this, I cannot totally criticize, because it is true that racism in the old era is still lingering till this day; Those who were racially discriminated tend to be comparatively poor due to history, and because they are poor, they can’t get high quality education, then they can’t get good jobs that pays well because they lack of education, and they stay poor, just like this. The spiral that is very difficult to get out off. And no I don’t want to admit it, but it is the reality.

このインスタの炎上事件が起こって、この写真のモデルであるAamito Stacie Lagumさん。





Now, this incident happened… yeah, terrible story I know! But it’s not over yet. Huffinn*ton post made this ridiculous portrait photography thing… I don’t really know what this is… but basically what they tried to do is to take all kinds of people with different race and features, gender-less, “we are all different and we all all beautiful” campaign movement….

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OOOOOPS!! They forgot to include Asian peopleeeeeee!!!!!! Damn, how careless of them. It was a movement to go against racial discrimination but now that they got caught up defending Black people, they’ve totally forgotten that Asian people exist in this world! HAHA SO FUNNY. NOT.

The thing is, not all racial comments toward Asian people are negative. It is common for Black people to get lots of negative and hate comments, but actually, Asians, we have really strong stereotypes such as “Japanese are good at Maths” “Koreans can drink shit load of alcohol”… or negative ones, like “Asians all look the same with their tiny eyes and flat face”. But the biggest racial discrimination that Asian get, in my opinion, is not the one that gets hatred but gets “NOTHING”. Like they don’t care about Asians. Like we don’t exist. I think it’s a serious problem you know, people say it’s better to be hated than to be felt indifferent when you break up with your boyfriend or the one you love. The same thing is happening here.


また、fashionsnap.comでこんなニュースも発見。スーダン出身のオーストラリア人モデル、Ajak Dengさんが白人至上主義のファッション業界に嫌気がさして、とうとうモデルを引退したというニュース。

I also found this other fashion hews regarding this Australian supermodel, Ajak Deng, left the fashion business because she is done with fashion industry that believes in White supremacy.




ファッション業界の白人至上主義を裏付けるかのように、FASHION SPOTが調査した結果によると、先日開催されていたニューヨークファッションウィークでの非白人起用率はほんの約32%。ああ、なんていう衝撃。

She announced this on her instagram saying what it says right next to the photo….. She is 26 years old and have walked collections of big maison brands like Louis Vuitton and Valentino. But she just couldn’t take it anymore. And you know what, FASHION SPOT did a research on NYFW that was held just weeks ago, and the found out that only 32% of all models were non-White. Whaaaaaat?




I once wrote a blog about Valentino casting a Black model for their campaign ad, and Prada’s first ad to cast Black model after so many years. It is definitely a step, and the fact that these famous brands are trying to change the industry will influence many other brands as well. However, fashion industry is one of the industries that sells beauty. And the beauty they are selling, right now, is not right. It is biased and this should stop right now. What we have to do is to tell the society and the younger generation it is beautiful to be different, to have originality and the difference is what makes our each and own beauty. Let’s tell this to the to teenagers who are going through rough times because of race. Kids who can’t feel confident in themselves because of their race. This should not be happening in this era anymore.

So, that’s the end of my blog for today. Please leave a comment below or go to my Instagram/Twitter to tell me YOUR opinion on race and fashion!

Oooh by the way, I’m off to Australia from tomorrooooow I’m really excited because it’s my first time! If any of you guys know a good place to go, let me know on any of my SNS 😉

Thanks for reading!






Instagram: @lizzy718


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Twitter: @lishy_eng

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